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子时来临前,先点了几支仙女棒壮胆,匆匆的架好相机,再透过毛手套笨拙的稳固好烟花盒。在一片“HELLO 财神!”的叫喊中,劣质的烟花开始在我们的头顶上爆炸,一波一波五颜六色的火花顿时布满天空。由于烟花炸开的高度太低,所有人吓得象石头般动也不动的任由烟花洒出的火花欺负着,还好在快门上的专业食指和较脆弱的灵魂分开作业,才能稍稍的捕捉到花海里的FLORETTE。

The wise Baidu had told us that the eve of the fifth day during Chinese New Year is the time to welcome the God of Fortune. We carefully selected our fireworks to spend all of our red-pocket money on as we see it as a sort of an investment. The firework vendors took special explanation on how to safely use and view these fortune-bringing fireworks.

Before midnight struck, we primed ourselves first with a few sparklers, and had the camera and fireworks box lined up as well as we could with our limited experience. Expectedly the fireworks began to explode with full force on top of our heads as we shouted our greetings to the God of Fortune. Unexpectedly, the fireworks boomed and bloomed much lower than we could imagine: dangerously low. The sparks and colours went all around us and we were completely dumbfounded.


However the night was fortunate as the index finger on the shutter was working without higher brain function to capture FLORETTE in that sea of fireworks.

Before midnight struck, we primed ourselves first with a few sparklers, and had the camera and fireworks box lined up as well as we could with our limited experience. Expectedly the fireworks began to explode with full force on top of our heads as we shouted our greetings to the God of Fortune. Unexpectedly, the fireworks boomed and bloomed much lower than we could imagine: dangerously low. The sparks and colours went all around us and we were completely dumbfounded.