今天是一个特殊的日子,小屋的改造工程已经完成了七七八八,在有水电和门窗的状态下,我们带着满腔热血搬进来了。 冬天特别冷,从旧货市场拼凑出来的暖气片勉强地在窗边散出微微暖气,在这个全无隔温保护的老砖房里,只能穿着大衣围着毯子工作。还好有工作伙伴,还好有鲜花相伴。
Today is an ultra special day. The heavy-duty fit-out work to our cottage is now almost complete. Water supply and electricity has been connected, all the windows and doors are in place, and here we are, moving into FLORETTE with nothing but a chest full of enthusiasm and passion.
Too bad this winter is a cold one; the reclaimed and reassembled old radiators struggle to give out any more heat than their current warm gentle breeze. And without much (or any) insulation in place, we began work with our heavy coats and wooly blankets. Thank goodness having some company, friends and flowers both.
Today is an ultra special day. The heavy-duty fit-out work to our cottage is now almost complete. Water supply and electricity has been connected, all the windows and doors are in place, and here we are, moving into FLORETTE with nothing but a chest full of enthusiasm and passion.