今天要去拜访好朋友创办的学校,一早特地去花市买来了最最新鲜的毛茛、雏菊和桔梗,插出几瓶黄橙白绿相间的小花丛,希望这些自然而不浮夸的小花们能为Due West带来一袭自然的气息。
A great friend of ours, M, has set up a top notch English academy, and what says “Congratulations and well done!” better than some fresh flowers!? We got some of the freshest ranunculus, daisies, and lisianthus from the morning flower market, and put together a few arrangements for his office and lunchroom. Hopefully these natural and understated flowers can bring a breath spring to their staff and pupils, and wish M and his partner every success in the world!